Title says most of what's going on. I can confirm that I'm connecting to the database and I'm definitely opening the connection before I try to make a query. The problem is, every time I send the query through exec(query), I'm getting an error stating that my QODBC driver isn't loaded. If that's really the case then how am I even getting a connection to start with? And more importantly how do I re-write my code or configure something so that my drivers are being loaded?
Some things to fill in the gaps:
- popupwindows.h is what is controlling AlertWindow, ErrorWindow, and Success Window and doesn't affect anything here at all.
- I'm getting all the constants and data just fine, so it's nothing in how I'm putting together my SQL query, example:
INSERT INTO RegTable(Project_ID, Project_Name, Cycle, Number, B1, B2, B3, Horiz, Vert, Skew) VALUES (117.001, ZT400-300DPI, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
I am getting true values for db.isOpen() and db.isValid() when I start the sendData() function, though I took them out once I ruled out errors with what they were checking.
I have qsqlodbc.dll and qsqlodbcd.dll in several folders throughout my application directory, but most importantly in
Sorry for the wall-o-code but I wanted to make sure you all had everything you needed.
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include "databaseconnection.h"
#include "popupwindows.h"
DatabaseConnection::DatabaseConnection(QWidget *parent, QString type) {
log = new EventLog("DatabaseConnection");
connected = false;
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC"); //note that this is a QString, not a QSqlDriver
DatabaseConnection::~DatabaseConnection() {
bool DatabaseConnection::connectDB( QString driverString) {
if (!db.isOpen()) {
if (db.isValid() && db.isDriverAvailable(driverString)) {
QString connParams = QString("Driver={SQL SERVER};DSN=ODBCDriverForLocal;SERVER=" + server +";DATABASE="
+ database + ";Uid=" + username +";Pwd=" + password);
log->print("Attempting to connect to database: " + connParams);
if(!db.open()) {
log->printerr("Could not connect to database: " + db.lastError().text());
connected = false;
ErrorWindow(0, "Database connection could not be establishedn" + db.lastError().text());
return false;
} else {
log->print("Database connection established.");
connected = true;
SuccessWindow(0, "Database connection established");
return true;
} else {
ErrorWindow(0, "Driver not available or valid.");
} return true;
void DatabaseConnection::disconnect() {
if (db.isOpen()) {
void DatabaseConnection::loadParams() {
QFile settings("dbSettings.txt");
if (!settings.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
server = QString("Server String");
database = QString("Database String");
username = QString("Username");
password = QString("Password");
} else {
QTextStream in(&settings);
server = in.readLine();
database = in.readLine();
username = in.readLine();
password = in.readLine();
void DatabaseConnection::updateParams(QString params) {
QStringList parameters = params.split(";");
server = parameters[0];
database = parameters[1];
username = parameters[2];
password = parameters[3];
void DatabaseConnection::sendData(QString mode, QVector<QString> *data) {
log->print("Prepping Data for Sending...");
int cols;
if(connectDB()) {
db.exec(QString("USE " + database));
QVector<QString> *dataQueue = new QVector<QString>;
//collect all the data
if (mode == QString("DK")) {
extractData(mode, 15, 31, dataQueue, data);
cols = 15;
} else if (mode == QString("PQ")) {
extractData(mode, 17, 200, dataQueue, data);
cols = 17;
} else {
extractData(mode, 6, 200, dataQueue, data);
cols = 6;
//create a query for each entry
for (int i =0; i < (dataQueue->size() / cols); i++) {
QString query("INSERT INTO ");
emit requestConsts();
if (mode == QString("Reg")) {
query += "RegTable(Project_ID, Project_Name, Cycle, Number, B1, B2, B3, Horiz, Vert, Skew) VALUES (";
} else if (mode == QString("PQ")) {
query += "PQTable(Project_ID, Project_Name, Cycle, Number, B1, B2, B3, [3DOTCD128_ScoreA], [3DOTCD128_GradeA],"
" [3DOTCD128_ScoreB], [3DOTCD128_GradeB], [10CR3DT128_Score], [10CR3DT128_Grade], [12CHAR3DOT39_Score],"
" [12CHAR3DOT39_Grade], [12CHAR4DOT39_Score], [12CHAR4DOT39_Grade], [2DOTDATAMATRIX_Score],"
} else {
query += "DKTable(Project_ID, Project_Name, Cycle, Darkness, [3DOTCD128_ScoreA], [3DOTCD128_GradeA],"
" [3DOTCD128_ScoreB], [3DOTCD128_GradeB], [10CR3DT128_Score], [10CR3DT128_Grade], [12CHAR3DOT39_Score],"
" [12CHAR3DOT39_Grade], [12CHAR4DOT39_Score], [12CHAR4DOT39_Grade], [2DOTDATAMATRIX_Score],"
query += "" + constants;
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
int index = (i * cols) + j;
query += ", " + dataQueue->at(index);
query += (")");
QSqlQuery postedQuery = QSqlQuery(db);
if (!postedQuery.exec(query)) {
AlertWindow(0, this->lastError().text());
//push the queries into action if not already being performed
log->print("Data Sent.");
SuccessWindow(0, "Data (theoretically) Sent!");
void DatabaseConnection::getConsts(QString consts) {
constants = consts;
void DatabaseConnection::extractData(QString mode, int cols, int rows, QVector<QString> *queue, QVector<QString> *data) {
log->print("Extracting Data...");
log->print(mode + " Mode");
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
QVector<QString> thisLine;
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
int index = (row * cols) + col;
if (mode == QString("DK")) {
if (!thisLine.at(0).isEmpty() && (!thisLine.at(1).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(3).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(5).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(7).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(9).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(11).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(13).isEmpty())) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
} else if (mode == QString("PQ")) {
if ((!thisLine.at(0).isEmpty() && !thisLine.at(1).isEmpty() && !thisLine.at(2).isEmpty()) || (!thisLine.at(5).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(7).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(9).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(11).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(13).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(15).isEmpty())) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
} else {
if ((!thisLine.at(0).isEmpty() && !thisLine.at(1).isEmpty() && !thisLine.at(2).isEmpty()) || (!thisLine.at(3).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(4).isEmpty() || !thisLine.at(5).isEmpty())) {
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
Edit 6/21/16 - I've done some more research and found out I was using the DSN parameter incorrectly. My problem still stands even when I use it properly though, so no too much progress there, just some handy dandy learning.
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