I'm supposed to implement dijkstra for my school homework. I understand the algorithm itself and based my code on Wikipedia and some other sources, however i seem to have some kind of fault in it, since it basically doesn't terminate in my junit tests. I don't really know why and hope someone can help!
public void populateDijkstraFrom(Node startNode) {
// TODO: Your populateDijkstraFrom implementation here
// You can use this implementation of a priority queue.
// Nodes that are added to the queue are automatically sorted by distance
// because we overwrote Node.compareTo()
if(startNode == null){
throw new RuntimeException();
for (Node n : nodes.values()){
if(n != startNode){
n.distance=Integer.MAX_VALUE; //set distance of each node to maxvalue
PriorityQueue<Node> distanceQueue = new PriorityQueue<Node>();
startNode.distance=0; //set distance of startnode to 0
distanceQueue.add(startNode); //add startnode to the PQ
while (!distanceQueue.isEmpty()){
Node current = distanceQueue.poll(); // get headelement of PQ
for(Node i : current.getAdjacentNodes()){
int weight = current.getWeight(i);
int distancethroughcurrent = current.distance + weight;
if(distancethroughcurrent < i.distance){
i.distance = distancethroughcurrent;
i.predecessor = current;
// clean up
in addition the calculation of the shortest path, we are also supposed to write a method, that finds this path by using the method above and returns it in a list:
public List<Node> getShortestPathDijkstra(int startNodeID, int targetNodeID) {
return getShortestPathDijkstra(nodes.get(startNodeID), nodes.get(targetNodeID));
* Calculates a List of Node indices that describe the shortet path from
* start node to target node. The Dijkstra-Algorithmn is used for
* calculation.
* @param targetNodeIndex
* the index of the target node, as returned by addNode()
* @return the list of nodes, or null if no path exists
public List<Node> getShortestPathDijkstra(Node startNode, Node targetNode) {
// TODO: Your implementation here
// NOTE: you have to run populateDijkstraFrom first before you can read
// out the shortest path
LinkedList<Node> DijkstraList = new LinkedList<Node>();
if(startNode == null || targetNode == null){
throw new RuntimeException(); //check if either node is null
Stack <Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
while(targetNode.predecessor != null){
targetNode = targetNode.predecessor;
while (!stack.isEmpty()){
Node item = stack.pop();
//This line stops program execution until a key is pressed
//Return an empty list. Replace this line by the shortest path!
return DijkstraList;
thanks in advance!
EDIT: here a testcase that doesn't run through:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Before;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class DijkstraTest {
private DiGraph g1;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// read graph from file
try {
g1 = GraphIO.loadGraph("tests/testgraphen/graphDijkstra.txt");
VisualGraph v = new VisualGraph(g1);
} catch (IOException e) {
public void testDijkstraShortestPath() {
// fill distance and predecessor values
// expected list
LinkedList<Integer> expect = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// test actual getShortestPath from 0 to 3
List<Node> actualNodes = g1.getShortestPathDijkstra(0, 3);
"getShortestPath didn't find the path with the right number of nodes",
actualNodes.size(), expect.size());
LinkedList<Integer> actual = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for (Node n : actualNodes) {
assertEquals("getShortestPath didn't return the shortest path",
actual.toString(), expect.toString());
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